Financial Life Management
We take care of the details of your financial life so you can focus on what you love and do best. It’s kind of like having a personal CFO.
How we help
We help you get your financial house in order and keep it that way in all the financial planning areas: managing cash flow, funding lifestyle and other goals, investment planning, managing financial risks due to an unexpected diagnosis or life event, making work optional by planning for and funding retirement, minimizing taxes, and leaving a.legacy.
We act as a partner and guide to support financial decision making so you can achieve the best life possible. We work with you, not just for you, to achieve your goals. We take the time to clearly understand your background, values, needs and objectives. we work collaboratively with you and on your behalf (with your permission), and coordinate with other professionals so everyone is working together for your benefit.
We will help you prioritize your goals, show you the steps you need to take, and regularly review your progress towards achieving them.
We work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially prepared for them, by (1) regularly assessing what might be coming, and (2) creating an action plan to address and manage change ahead of time.
We provide any resources you might need to help support your financial decision-making. We clearly explain the options and risks associated with each choice before offering our suggestions.
We clearly explain all fees and costs and alert you to any potential conflicts of interest so you can be assured that our recommendations are always in your best interests.
Our fees are customized based on the complexity of your situation, and can be charged as an annual retainer paid monthly or as a percentage of the value of your investments, should you choose to have one of our partner asset managers oversee your savings. A quote will be prepared for you once we know more about your situation and needs. We charge an upfront planning fee and an ongoing subscription fee after year one.